Saturday, March 26, 2016

2 Years have Passed my Brother

St. Michael the Archangel

Thinking of you my day is brightened
Though my emotions extremely heightened
Your story of life and the ups and downs
As they listen I see their heart pounds
Your love and happiness still heals us today
Like the tranquility felt while boating on the bay
Your life has just begun, much work for you to do
You’re our guiding light we look up to you
Leighton tells us when you are around
Vivid dreams she even hears sound
Saint Michael you are the angel of death
Carrying the souls of the deceased at their last breath
To the heavens above they pass through the archway 
We ask for your prayers on This Holy Saturday

 -Christopher M Brennan, MD
My Poetry

Visit a Site dedicated to my Brother

Videos by Michael K Brennan, MD