Sunday, July 6, 2014

Team Work Poem

Team Work

In bed I try to sleep
my mind runs so deep

thinking of all things we must do
will we get them done, its up to you

help me finish what is not complete
we can do it timely, it must be neat

we work best as a team
otherwise all we do is scream

tackle all tasks with one thing in mind
get it done get it done, get down to the grind

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Brother Mike...a Poem

A Boater, Fisher, beach goer
Often I made him the kayak rower

A man who was always there for you
He started something, saw it through

A lover, and loved, a heart of steel
He loved the boat and fishing reel

An animal lover, he took many in
Treated them like they were next of kin

Mechanical, electrical stimulated his mind
Never a problem or solution he couldn’t find

He often said he looked up to me
My success, Michael was the key

My best friend, we always had fun
He brought laughs even to Nuns

A good man with a heart of gold
Years from now, his stories will be told

Michael, I feel we shared minds alike
My middle name Michael, your name mike

--Christopher M Brennan, M.D.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Digital Valentines Poem

Times have been quite tough
The economy has been rough

Despite this year’s snow
Your smile makes me glow

Forget those little things
It’s our love it sings

I may love all my  toys
it’s you that brings me joy’s

this poem dictated on my phone
Driving slow I could have flown

extra time able to think
digital this poem not on ink

how much do I care?
I’d protect you from a bear

You mean the world to me
I know on this we agree

Stressors, no worry no fear
Not a day goes by not even a year

I smile when thinking of you
I know our loves so true

Everything I do, it’s with you in mind
I appreciate all you’re  so kind

Do you realize my feelings?
Higher than heavens’ ceilings.

My love for you knows no times
Each we love, like these rhymes

We fit together like hand and glove
Happy Valentine’s Day to my love

-Christopher M Brennan, M.D.

  Valentine’s Day 2014